Author: Mark

Everyone’s Invited # 132 – 01/06/19

New year.  Same show.  New music.  Same eclectic assortment of random noise.  EVERYONE’S INVITED airs Sunday evenings from 7-9pm ET on 103.3 and 93.7 FM and streams online right here. Playlist for 01/06/19 show:...

Everyone’s Invited # 131 – 12/30/18

Was 2018 a good year, a bad year, or somewhere in between?  Regardless, it had a great soundtrack.  Thanks for letting me share it with you, and now let’s look to the future!  EVERYONE’S...

Everyone’s Invited # 130 – 12/16/18

2018 Year End Review Part Whatever!  EVERYONE’S INVITED keeps on bringing it, which is good because we don’t to come to all these parties empty handed, do we?  Tune in Sunday evenings from 7-9pm...

Everyone’s Invited # 129 – 12/09/18

The 2018 Year End Review from EVERYONE’S INVITED continues!  I suppose we could’ve paused, considered, assessed, and ranked.  Instead we blasted through 48 songs in 120 minutes.  No rest for the weary!  EVERYONE’S INVITED...

Everyone’s Invited # 128 – 12/02/18

Is it still considered to be the cutting edge if everyone’s invited to the sharpened line of cool indie music?  Don’t know, don’t care.  EVERYONE’S INVITED airs Sunday evening from 7-9pm ET on 103.3...

Everyone’s Invited # 127 – 11/25/18

This week EVERYONE’S INVITED rounded up a bunch of never-before-played bands, cover songs that couldn’t squeeze into the cover song show, and cleansed the palette with random noise in preparation for December festivities (aka...

Everyone’s Invited # 126 – 11/18/18

Spark Syracuse would not be possible without the volunteers who put in the work to make it happen, the friends and listeners of WSPJ who are always there with support, and the contributions of...

Everyone’s Invited # 125 – 11/11/18

Delivered as promised: New music, old favorites, a random theme (can you guess what it was?!), and even a rare request!  All that AND a label spotlight on the majestic and magnetic Burger Records! ...

Everyone’s Invited # 124 – 11/05/18

Everyone’s Invited brings two hours of indie music to the airwaves every Sunday night from 7-9pm ET on 103.3 and 93.7 FM.  You can also listen to the webcast and archived shows at

Everyone’s Invited # 123 – 10/28/18

Ah, Halloween, when you can be someone, or some thing, other than yourself.  Some people say the costume reveals more than it hides.  Discover and uncover new sounds with EVERYONE’S INVITED Sunday evenings from...