Category: Aural Fixation

Aural Fixation #3 6/19/19

Oh wow, was I feeling nostalgic last night! Thanks for accompanying me down that weird stretch of memory lane. You never know what’s lurking down that way, you know? And it turned out all...

Aural Fixation #2 – 6/12/19

After the fun we had last week, there’s no way I wasn’t coming back. Tonight’s show is done and it was fun on a bun! Join me, DJ Zed on Wednesdays from 6-8pm EST on 103.3...

Aural Fixation #1 – 6/5/19

Aural Fixation‘s inaugural show is over and done! ‘Twas a blast and a half but I want you back. Join me, DJ Zed on Wednesdays from 6-8pm EST on 103.3 and 93.7 FM and streaming...